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Video Game Emulator with Raspberry Pi

My project is a RetroPie emulator with classic games. I also added a custom theme to the RetroPie, as well as created my own ROM hack of a game and made it playable on the Raspberry Pi.

Engineer School Area of Interest Grade
Alan Xu Homestead High School Computer Science Incoming Senior


Headstone Image

Final Milestone

My final milestone was creating a custom ROM hack and running it on the Raspberry Pi. I decided to make a ROM hack of the game “Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones” because it was one of the mest beginner-friendly games to hack. I used a program called FEBuilder to make my ROM hack, which allowed for me to replace every character in the game with a different class, portrait, name, and stats. I used a randomizer to change both the class and stats of each character, and manually changed the text file for each character’s name. I also imported portraits from my computer and replaced the portraits in-game with those portraits. To run it on my RetroPie, I did the same thing as I did for my first milestone by copying the game onto a USB drive and uploading them by plugging the drive into the Raspberry Pi. The end result was being able to play my ROM hack on my Raspberry Pi.

Second Milestone

My second milestone was creating a custom theme on my RetroPie. I created xml files as the main way to code the theme, and used html tags such as and so adjust where I wanted each element of the theme. After I finished the custom theme, I ran into a problem trying figuring out how to move the theme's files from my computer onto the Raspberry Pi. The solution was to create a repository on github and to use git commit and git push on my computer's terminal to move the files into the repository. Then, I used git clone on the Raspberry Pi's terminal to clone the repository onto it cp to move the files into the right folder. Finally I changed my RetroPie's theme to the custom one by going into the UI settings and setting the theme.

First Milestone

My first milestone was to get some games onto the Raspberry Pi and having them run. First, I needed to download an Imager to install an OS onto the Raspberry Pi. After plugging the SD card into my computer, I imaged the RetroPie OS onto the SD card before ejecting the card and plugging it into the Raspberry Pi. With the OS now installed, I went through setting up and configuring RetroPie. Afterwards, I downloaded ROMs of some games onto a USB drive, plugged that into the Raspberry Pi to upload them, and rebooted the system when the uploading finished. Lastly, I used a scraper to scrape game data from the internet so that there would be information on each of the games, and not just file names.